My Dad
When I first decided to become a Prince Edward Island REALTOR®, I only confided in a few people about my new endeavour and one of those people is my most trusted confidante – my Dad.
I’m so grateful for a lot of people who helped me out along the way to get going but the person I’m most grateful for is him. He passes out my business cards, shares my posts on Facebook, tells me to get my oil changed in my car and is great to put things into perspective in a quiet way. Mostly, he really understands the excitement and passion it takes to be an entrepreneur, as he’s always been one himself.
My Dad has been a a PEI farmer his whole life and also buys and sells livestock all across the Island – he’s always on the road trailering cattle, goats, sheep, picking up calves – etc.. If I had a dollar, for every time someone said “Oh you’re Byron Weeks’s daughter” – I’d have quite the savings account!
In all seriousness, Thank you Dad for teaching me to be a hardworker, to be respectful and to be appreciative for what you have and thanks for the support and encouragement always. Love you!
Marsha Weeks
